"Rocksector Records, in conjunction with The Rock Show, are
delighted to announce that the voice of that balls-up is coming to
compere SOS Festival 2013. Yes, 'Big' Jim will be your
DJ/host/general-gob-on-a-stick for the weekend, & he's bringing his
own peculiar brand of rock & roll ceremony masterfulness to
Radcliffe Hall; it could be funny, it could be a visual car-crash.
Who knows? One thing is for certain, he's gonna be on hand all
weekend to make sure YOU are getting as much bang for your buck as
'Big' Jim was the first-ever winner of the DJ of the Year award in
the Pure Rawk Awards 2012, & has been presenting The Rock Show (
since 2005 on a local FM station in Swansea, where he was residing
at the time. He's gone on to make it a fully independent entity, as
of January 2007 by presenting a podcast version of the show, &
further still when he went completely bat-shit & took the show to a
genuine padded cell in 2011.
Since then he's gone on to broadcast from Josef Fritzl's basement,
the room Whitney Houston died in, no less, in a ghoulish non-tribute
to the fallen vocalist & many other places. Recent guests on the
show have included Biff Byford, Gus G, William Hanson, the owner of
the movie Rock Of Ages Barry
Habib, Puppet the Psycho Dwarf, SOS Festival headliner Dave Evans &
so many more, PLUS his padded cell is regularly invaded by members
of Rocksector Records' very own Triaxis.
An aural orgasm, sometimes with an online video feed, The Rock Show
is syndicated worldwide, reaching Australia & New Zealand, north,
central & south America, Russia, Japan, Germany & Scandinavia & many
other locations. The live show happens every Monday evening from
8pm in the UK over at The Rock Show LIVE! website -
www.therockshowlive.com -
& if you miss it as it goes off in your ear, you can catch-up with
their on-demand services via iTunes & pod-O-matic.
'Big' Jim is thrilled to be asked to help at this year's event, &
hopes everyone brings their drinking boots & singing knickers.
Let's 'ave it then!"